A combination of anti-malaria, anti-Swine flu and anti-HIV drugs used for coronavirus treatment

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases climbed to 649, 42 recoveries, and 13 deaths in India.

In Rajasthan, a combination of anti-malaria, anti-Swine flu and anti-HIV drugs used for treatments and resulted into recovery of three patients in March.

In same month, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research and Cipla corporation, launched a joint venture to develop anti-COVID-19 drugs.

Pune based Serum Institute of India is expected to apply for clinical trials of certain strains from Drug Controller General of India. As per company president Adar Poonawalla, a vaccine for "COVID-19" will be delivered within an year, however, it may not be effective on 20 to 30% people.

On 23 March, the National Task Force for COVID19 constituted by Indian Council of Medical Research recommended the use of hydroxychloroquine for treatment of "COVID19" for high-risk cases.


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