On Tuesday, Apple announced the release of a new yellow iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus. These devices will be available for pre-order in India starting Friday, with availability beginning on March 14th.
The yellow iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus will come in 128GB, 256GB, and 512GB storage capacities, starting at Rs 79,900 and Rs 89,900, respectively. Bob Borchers, Apple's vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing, stated, "The extraordinary battery life, lightweight design, pro-level camera and video features, groundbreaking safety capabilities like Emergency SOS via satellite, and all iOS 16 has to offer make iPhone 14 a great option for anyone in the market for a new iPhone."
Both iPhone 14 models have a durable Ceramic Shield front cover, an updated internal design for better sustained performance and easier repairs, and impressive battery life. In fact, the iPhone 14 Plus has the longest battery life of any iPhone ever.
In addition to the stunning photos and videos captured by the dual-camera system, both models feature the powerful A15 Bionic chip and innovative safety capabilities, including Emergency SOS via satellite and Crash Detection. The 6.1-inch iPhone 14 and 6.7-inch iPhone 14 Plus boast a durable aerospace-grade aluminum design that is both water- and dust-resistant.
Overall, the new yellow iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus offer consumers an impressive combination of advanced features, durability, and aesthetics. With their exceptional battery life, camera capabilities, and safety features, these devices are sure to be a hit among Apple fans and smartphone enthusiasts alike.
SOURCE: business-standard
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