Fire Breaks Out in Delhi AIIMS, Prompt Response by 8 Fire Tenders Prevents Major Damage

Date: 7-Aug, 2023

Location: New Delhi, India

A fire broke out at the prestigious All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in New Delhi today, sending shockwaves through the medical community and residents alike. The blaze was reported in one of the hospital wings, triggering an emergency response that involved the swift deployment of eight fire tenders.

The fire started around 10 a.m. local time, and the cause is yet to be determined. Fortunately, the hospital staff promptly detected the fire and initiated the evacuation procedures, ensuring the safety of patients, visitors, and medical personnel.

Witnesses at the scene described the efforts of hospital staff, who remained calm under pressure and efficiently evacuated patients from the affected area. Dr. Anjali Kapoor, a senior physician at AIIMS, praised the staff's response, saying, "The evacuation was well-coordinated, and the staff acted quickly to ensure the safety of our patients. Their dedication and training were evident in handling the situation with precision."

Simultaneously, emergency services were alerted, and eight fire tenders from nearby fire stations rushed to the scene to combat the flames. The firefighters' prompt response played a crucial role in containing the fire to a limited area and preventing it from spreading to other parts of the hospital.

Mr. Sanjay Sharma, the chief fire officer, commended the firefighters for their tireless efforts. "Our teams acted swiftly to contain the fire and prevent it from reaching critical sections of the hospital. We have managed to bring the situation under control, and a comprehensive investigation will be launched to determine the cause of the fire," he said.

During the ordeal, anxious family members of patients were seen gathered outside the hospital, eagerly waiting for updates on their loved ones. Authorities assured them that the situation was under control and that all necessary measures were being taken to ensure the well-being of the patients.

The AIIMS administration also expressed gratitude to the fire department for their timely response and successful containment of the fire. In a statement, the administration said, "We are immensely grateful for the quick response and efficient action taken by the fire department. Thanks to their efforts, the situation was brought under control, and no casualties or injuries have been reported."

As the fire department continues to investigate the incident, the affected wing of the hospital will remain temporarily closed for safety reasons. The administration is working to transfer patients to other parts of the facility to ensure uninterrupted medical care.

AIIMS, a premier medical institute in India, has been at the forefront of the country's healthcare system, providing critical services to countless patients. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of preparedness and quick action during emergencies, and authorities are likely to conduct a thorough review to strengthen safety protocols further.

As the situation unfolds, the Delhi AIIMS community and the nation as a whole remain thankful for the efficient response by the hospital staff and firefighters, which prevented a potentially disastrous outcome. The focus now lies on identifying the cause of the fire and implementing measures to prevent such incidents in the future.


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