Opposition MP Demands Removal of Sengol from Parliament to "Save the Constitution"

Delhi: In a move sparking fresh controversy, Samajwadi Party (SP) MP RK Chaudhary has demanded the removal of the Sengol from the Indian Parliament. Chaudhary argues that the Sengol, a traditional scepter, symbolizes monarchical power and is contrary to the democratic values enshrined in the Indian Constitution.

"The Sengol, which literally means 'Raja ka Danda' or 'King's stick,' should not be a part of our democratic institution," Chaudhary stated. "A replica of the Constitution must replace the Sengol to reflect our commitment to democracy and the rule of law."

The Sengol, a ceremonial staff associated with ancient Tamil culture, was installed in Parliament as a symbol of India's independence and sovereignty. However, Chaudhary's remarks have ignited a fierce debate on cultural heritage versus constitutional principles.

In response to Chaudhary's demand, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has accused the opposition of disrespecting Indian and Tamil culture. "The opposition is insulting our rich cultural heritage by calling for the removal of the Sengol," a BJP spokesperson said. "Why did Nehru accept the Sengol if it was against our constitutional values?"

The Sengol was handed over to the first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, by Tamil Nadu priests on the eve of independence, symbolizing the transfer of power from the British to Indian hands. This historical event is cited by the BJP to counter Chaudhary's claims and underscore the cultural significance of the Sengol.

As the debate continues, it remains to be seen whether the demand to replace the Sengol with a replica of the Constitution will gain traction or if it will be dismissed as an affront to India's cultural legacy.


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