Newly-Elected Delhi MPs Meet Prime Minister Modi for the First Time Post-Lok Sabha Elections

New Delhi, July 25, 2024 — All seven newly-elected Lok Sabha MPs from Delhi, including notable figures such as Manoj Tiwari and Bansuri Swaraj, had their first formal meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday following their victory in the recent Lok Sabha elections.

In what was described as a cordial and motivational session, PM Modi emphasized the importance of staying connected with their constituents. "The PM asked us to ensure meeting people of our constituency on a regular basis and try to address their grievances and help them on a priority basis," one of the MPs shared.

This meeting marked a significant step for the MPs as they embark on their new responsibilities. The Prime Minister encouraged them to work diligently and focus on the development and welfare of their respective constituencies. He reiterated the government's commitment to addressing local issues and ensuring that the voices of the people are heard and acted upon.

Manoj Tiwari, who has been a prominent figure in Delhi's political landscape, expressed his gratitude for the Prime Minister's guidance and assured that he and his colleagues would work tirelessly to fulfill their duties. Bansuri Swaraj, daughter of the late Sushma Swaraj, also highlighted the importance of the meeting, noting that it set a positive tone for their upcoming term.

The newly-elected MPs represent a diverse mix of backgrounds and experiences, which is expected to bring fresh perspectives and energy to the legislative process. Their meeting with PM Modi underscores the collaborative approach that the government intends to pursue to address the challenges and opportunities facing Delhi.

As they return to their constituencies, the MPs are expected to engage more actively with their constituents, understanding their needs and concerns, and working towards effective solutions. This proactive engagement is seen as crucial in building a strong rapport between the elected representatives and the people they serve.

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