India Rises to 39th in Global Innovation Index 2024, A Leap from 81st in 2015

India global innovation rankings, securing the 39th spot in the Global Innovation Index (GII) 2024, up from its 81st position in 2015. This achievement marks a pivotal moment in India's growing influence in science, technology, and innovation on the global stage.

The Global Innovation Index, released annually by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), assesses the innovation capabilities and performance of nearly 130 economies worldwide. India’s meteoric rise reflects its growing investment in research and development, an enhanced focus on technology startups, and supportive government policies aimed at fostering innovation.

### Government Initiatives Fueling Growth

The Indian government’s emphasis on initiatives like *Startup India*, *Digital India*, and *Make in India* has played a crucial role in advancing the country’s innovation ecosystem. These initiatives have fostered a startup-friendly environment, providing financial support, policy reforms, and an enabling infrastructure that has allowed the country’s entrepreneurial sector to flourish.

Another major factor in this rise is India’s investment in technology education and research. Institutions such as the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), and emerging centers of excellence have been key in developing India’s talent pool, particularly in areas like artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and space technology.

### Innovation Across Sectors

India's innovation growth spans various sectors, including pharmaceuticals, information technology, and space exploration. The country's generic drug industry, for instance, is known globally for its innovative capabilities. The pharmaceutical sector's advancements in biosimilars, vaccines, and new drug formulations have positioned India as a global leader.

In 2023, India also made headlines with the successful *Chandrayaan-3* mission, becoming the first country to land a spacecraft near the Moon’s south pole, further cementing its position as an innovator in space technology.

The *Atal Innovation Mission* (AIM), launched by the government, has been instrumental in encouraging innovation at the grassroots level. Through AIM, thousands of schools across India have adopted technological curriculums, spurring creativity and invention among the youth.

### Challenges and Future Outlook

While India’s rise to the 39th position in the Global Innovation Index is noteworthy, the country continues to face challenges, particularly in infrastructure, intellectual property rights enforcement, and improving industry-academia collaboration. However, the overall trajectory remains positive.

India’s focus on developing cutting-edge technologies such as 5G, renewable energy, and quantum computing will be essential in sustaining and further enhancing its innovation capabilities in the coming years.

As India sets its sights on climbing further in the rankings, experts believe that continued investment in research, policies promoting sustainable innovation, and the adoption of emerging technologies will drive the nation toward becoming a global leader in innovation.


**Global Innovation Index 2024 – India’s Rise in Numbers**

- **Current Rank:** 39th

- **Rank in 2015:** 81st

- **Key Sectors of Growth:** Pharmaceuticals, Space Technology, Information Technology

- **Key Initiatives:** Startup India, Digital India, Make in India, Atal Innovation Mission

India’s journey from 81st to 39th is not just a testament to its economic reforms and technological prowess but a sign of its ambition to lead the global innovation landscape.


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