West Bengal Government Decides to Discontinue 150-Year-Old Tram Service in Kolkata

 29th September 2024, Kolkata — In a historic decision that marks the end of an era, the West Bengal government has announced its plans to discontinue Kolkata’s iconic tram service after 150 years of operation. The tram system, which has been a part of the city’s cultural and historical landscape since 1873, will soon cease operations due to a combination of modern infrastructural demands, low ridership, and economic inefficiencies.

The state’s transport department made the announcement earlier this week, citing that maintaining the tram system in its current form was no longer sustainable. A senior official explained, “Kolkata has evolved rapidly, and so have its transportation needs. While trams have played a significant role in the city's history, their current usage doesn’t justify the expense involved in upkeep.”

Declining Usage and Rising Costs

The decision to discontinue the tram service comes amid growing concerns about its economic viability. In recent years, the once-bustling tram routes have seen a sharp decline in ridership as commuters turned to faster alternatives such as buses, the metro, and app-based ride-sharing services. Many of the tram lines have been cut or reduced to limited service as the city’s burgeoning population demanded more efficient modes of transportation.

A key factor in the decision was the rising costs of maintaining the aging infrastructure. Many of the tracks and trams themselves have not been upgraded in decades, and the expense of modernizing the system proved prohibitive. The trams, once known for their eco-friendliness, have struggled to keep up with the pace of urban expansion and traffic congestion.

Public Sentiment

The news has been met with mixed reactions from Kolkata’s residents. For many, the trams symbolize a part of the city’s heritage, evoking nostalgia for simpler times. “I used to take the tram to school every day as a child. It’s heartbreaking to see it go,” said Anil Roy, a 75-year-old resident of North Kolkata.

However, younger generations, while acknowledging the tram’s significance, have expressed more practical concerns. “I’ve never really used the tram because it’s too slow for modern-day traffic. We need better, faster solutions,” remarked Priya Sen, a college student in South Kolkata.

A Cultural and Historical Legacy

Kolkata’s trams were once the pride of the city, offering a peaceful and leisurely mode of transportation through its busy streets. Inaugurated in 1873 by the Calcutta Tramways Company, the system was initially horse-drawn before electric trams were introduced in 1902. At its peak, the network spanned over 60 kilometers, making it one of the most extensive tram systems in Asia.

Over the years, trams became an inseparable part of Kolkata’s identity, featured prominently in literature, films, and art. Tourists from around the world would often hop on trams for a ride through the city’s historic districts, passing landmarks such as College Street, Esplanade, and Howrah Bridge.

Future of Kolkata’s Public Transport

The West Bengal government, while acknowledging the cultural significance of the trams, emphasized the need to adapt to the city’s future transportation needs. Plans are underway to expand Kolkata’s metro network, with new lines connecting key parts of the city. Additionally, electric buses are being introduced to promote eco-friendly transport options, which officials say will compensate for the environmental benefits once provided by trams.

In a bid to preserve the historical legacy, the state government has proposed that a few select tram routes may be preserved for heritage purposes, allowing tourists and residents to experience the charm of the old trams without the full operational burden.


As Kolkata bids farewell to its trams, the decision marks a turning point in the city’s long and storied relationship with public transportation. While the end of the tram service is undeniably the close of a chapter, the city looks toward a future that balances progress with the preservation of its unique cultural heritage.

The final trams are expected to run by the end of the year, with commemorative events planned to honor the 150 years of service that this iconic mode of transportation has provided.


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