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An Indo-American News website. It covers Gossips, Politics, Movies, Te….

An Indo-American News website. It covers Gossips, Politics, Movies, Technolgy, and Sports News and Photo Galleries and Live Coverage of Events via Youtube. The website is established in 2015 and is owned by AGK FIRE INC. It is based in New Delhi, India and is run by a team of four people. The team is led by the Managing Editor of Social News XYZ, Ravi Agrawal. The site was established on March 13, 2015, and is managed by a staff of three people. It has been in operation since March 15, 2015 and covers a range of topics. It was founded by Ravi Aggrawal, who is also the Editor-in-Chief of Social news XYZ. The staff is made up of four members, all of whom are based in the city of Shimla, India. It also covers a wide range of other topics, such as politics, movies, technology, sports, and technology. It’s run by the team of three members, including the Managing Editors of SocialNewsXYZ, and it is operated by the staff of AGKFIRE INC, who are also responsible for the website’s design and development.

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